Glendora – FSBO Stats – September 15 2022
There are a lot of buyers in Glendora’s housing market right now. One indication of this statement is the large number of people listing their home ‘for sale by owner’.
Currently, there’s 3 houses listed for sale in Glendora. Currently, the lowest priced house in Glendora that is for sale by owner is $5900. The average price of houses listed for sale by owner in Glendora is $585300. The median listing price for listings by owners is $875000. The highest listing price is $875000. The smallest home listed for sale by owner is 1467 square feet. The average size of a house that is listed FSBO is 1467. The median size is 1467 SQFT and the largest home is 1467 SQFT.
There are FSBOs in Glendora if you’re looking for a house for sale. You may find a real bargain.